Rod Stole From Bob

A friend of mine said hey check this song out. It’s a great song. I’m like yo this shit is dope, then I’m like what…what….Oh hell naw for real.

Did anybody notice this? WTF. Was this controversial or did this just fly under radar. He straight jacked my mans and ran along like the shit was his. He took a passionate song and he turned it into holla at ya boy song. I know hip hop does this shit to but dude it’s Rod Fucking Stewart. Did Bobby get paid for this? Probably not. He didn’t even flip it. He Puff Diddy’d the shit. Smh. You Rod should be ashamed. And I actually like Rod Stewart……..

And he wasn’t even done. He had the nerve to jack Jorge Ben to. Rod’s a prick. Probably didn’t pay him either. While he pranced around the world getting laid off his weak ass song. I thought you were an upstanding Brit Rod. Then years later you do a cover album butchering Motown songs cuzz they inspired you. Really? Look Rod paying tribute is to not fuck up other peoples songs, it’s properly giving them credit and money when you decide to steal they shit. Fuck you Rod. Have a nice day:)